

Virtual Reality User Manuals; is the perfect tool for creating product manuals and guiding consumers through technical support scenarios. It quickly and clearly shows customers the actions and adjustments they need to reach the desired outcome.

Virtual Reality Remote Assistance; without sending a technician, an agent located anywhere in the world can be virtually ‘transported’ to a customer’s location in an instant. By utilizing the customer’s phone camera, the agent can see in real-time what the customer is talking about and offer remote visual assistance. The agent provides a sequence of actions that will resolve the issue and guide the customer with VR to show the steps they need to take clearly.

Virtual Reality Customer Service; is perfect for delivering real-time customer support. It allows the agent to guide the customer through visual assistance, eliminating the most significant miscommunication problem. With VR, the agent shares virtual elements by adding markups to the image the customer sees, explaining a bill, or showing how to fill out a form. Visual guidance is merely more effective. It’s as if the agent is standing right beside the customer, showing them precisely what to do.


The regulations to be followed within the agreement with the consent of both parties to develop a project with VR Federation, is regulated by the rights over the results of intellectual activity and the means of individualization. They are governed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part four.

Design Document

Executive Summary, Unique Selling Points, Design Objectives, Learning Objectives, Interaction Objectives, Specific system to apply, UX/Interaction Design, Types of Interactions, Troubleshooting/Risk Assessment, Prototyping-Outcomes and Changes, Story Overview, Demographic Research, Concept Art Overview, Character Line-Up, Future Plans.


The Virtual Reality creator isn’t the storyteller. The storyteller is the person using the VR. All a creator can hope to achieve is constructing the best kind of experiential world for that person, so when that person comes out of it, memories craft a story both profound and powerful.

The look at Virtual Reality storytelling ought, to begin with, presence. It’s the heart of what makes an immersive experience special and unique. In other words, the company in Virtual Reality is the sensation of being in the space of a given occasion, of sharing that space with characters, of being there. That sensation leads to the need to be active, have intentions, and play a role.


Graphic designers will ultimately become the design architects of VR. As we progress with the technology and the way we mesh the design world with the VR world, the sky is the limit for the outside-the-box ideas we’ll inevitably see.

Virtual Reality gives designers the platform to design conceptual products and prototyping in a way we only dreamed possible. As technology progresses and becomes more readily available, designers will skip the cumbersome and often time-consuming prototyping process we currently use.

Balance in the Project

Vision in real environments stabilizes balance compared to an eyes-closed condition. For Virtual Reality to be safe and fully effective in applications such as physical rehabilitation, vision in Virtual Reality should stabilize balance as much as the vision in the real world. Older Virtual Reality technology was previously found to stabilize balance, but by less than half as much as real-world vision.

Recent advancements in display technology might allow for vision in Virtual Reality to be as stabilizing as the vision in the real world. This study evaluated whether viewing a virtual environment through a new consumer-grade head-mounted display, stabilizes balance, and whether visual stabilization is similar to that provided by real-world vision.

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of cooperation will be determined by the parties in the agreement in accordance with the legislation of the countries in which they are located.

Quotation and Payment

The quotation and payment of the contract is made on the basis of an agreement between both parties and is governed by the federal law of the Russian Federation on foreign exchange regulation and control.


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